From Parent to Learning Partner: Transforming Education at Home

How to Move Away from Bad Habits and Towards Better Habits for Your Child’s Success

When it comes to fostering a child’s education, parents play a crucial role as key collaborators. The influence of home environments on a child’s learning experience and academic achievement is of paramount importance. Let us delve into the correlation between the habits nurtured and consistently practiced at home, which can either facilitate or impede growth, learning, and development within the educational realm.

Recommendation 1: Bedtimes

Moving Away from Late Bedtimes

Why? Late bedtimes can disrupt the brain’s ability to consolidate what it learned during the day, hindering memory retention and overall cognitive development. It can also lead to increased stress levels.

Moving Towards Earlier Bedtimes

Why? Adequate sleep is essential for processing the day’s learning, reducing stress, and allowing the brain to function optimally.

Ensure your child gets at least 8 hours of sleep every night. A well-rested child is better prepared for a successful day at school.

Recommendation 2: Screen Time

Moving Away from Heavy Screen Time

Why? Excessive screen time can disrupt brain development by overstimulating it and hindering the growth of the prefrontal cortex. It can also lead to distraction and a lack of focus.

Moving Towards Less Screen Time

Why? Limiting screen time encourages focused attention, adjustment to natural light, and synchronization of a healthy circadian routine. It gives working memory a much-needed break.

Encourage your child to engage in social activities, sports, healthy hobbies, and reading instead of excessive screen time. Monitor their device usage, as it can significantly impact their development.

Recommendation 2: Eating habits

Moving Away from Unhealthy Eating Habits

Why? Unbalanced nutrition, hypertension, lethargy, and weight gain are potential consequences of poor eating habits, which can hinder a child’s overall well-being and academic performance.

Moving Towards Healthy Eating Habits

Why? Healthy eating promotes brain development, reduces stress, enhances concentration, aids in weight management, and provides sustained energy.

Ensure your child has a nutritious breakfast, eats fruits and vegetables regularly, and avoids fatty and sugary foods. A balanced diet is essential for cognitive development.

Recommendation 4: Working Memory

Moving Away from Filling Time with More Study

Why? Overloading working memory with excessive study time can lead to forgetfulness, stress, and hinder the consolidation of knowledge.

Moving Towards Filling Time with More Reflection

Why? Allowing working memory time to process information and link previously learned ideas with new ones promotes deeper learning and reduces cognitive load and stress.

Understand your child’s study needs, provide a quiet study space, and avoid overloading them with unnecessary lessons and classes.

Recommendation 5: Mistakes

Moving Away from Viewing Mistakes as Failure

Why? Labeling mistakes as negative can lead to shame, fear-driven results, and discourage exploration and risk-taking.

Moving Towards Viewing Mistakes as Part of the Learning Process

Why? Embracing mistakes as opportunities for learning promotes a positive attitude, determination, and personal growth.

Teach your child that making mistakes is a natural part of learning and encourage them to accept and learn from these experiences.

The journey for transforming into a partner in your child’s education process begins with fostering positive habits. By collectively moving away from detrimental practices and moving towards those that support growth and development, schools and parents can work together to help our children succeed both academically and in life. Together, we can build a brighter future for our young learners.

Cover Photo by Josh Applegate on Unsplash

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