Learn More about ESL Lifeline

ESL Lifeline's Mission and Values

At ESL Lifeline, we believe that language learning should be engaging, fun, and relevant to students’ lives. Our mission is to incorporate language learning into the entire educational experience of a student so that they not only build a strong foundation in the English language but also learn something new. We value creativity, accessibility, and inclusivity in all of our materials so that every learner can benefit from them. Join us on this journey to make language learning a more enjoyable experience for everyone!

About the Founder

Hi! I’m Landon and I created ESL Lifeline. I’ve been in the education sector for 15 years – all my career – and have had many roles and responsibilities during this time. Currently, I am a principal at an internationally in Cambodia.

I’ve always worked internationally and love getting out of my comfort zone and learning new things. Though always a teacher, I did have a short tenure as a kickboxer, which I’m happy to say was short lived (my shins thank me). 

I’ve always thought of education as both a science and an art – but mostly an art because I am an artist at heart. I graduated with a Master of Education degree in Curriculum Design and Instruction and truly love the finer details of things in the world of education and curriculum. 

I live with my family in Cambodia and am very active in the local community as well as the safeguarding sector. I serve on a few committees both in Cambodia and internationally and spend a lot of time on discussing the skills-gap and ways of closing it. 

I am an avid read, even though I am a dyslexic, and usually stick to the psychology and social science sectors.

Connect with me on LinkedIn! 

About ESL Lifeline

ESL Lifeline was created mainly out of frustration – I was tired of getting resources and materials from my administrators that seemed ‘boring’ and ‘out of touch’ with my language learners. Further, it seemed too that the content language learners were given to study made some topics and subjects inaccessible to them. 

It was all language and no substance!

And this put them at a disadvantage because, by the time they got back into a mainstream classrooms, the language foundations they spent time building weren’t enough to engage with the subject content.

And I watched as, year after year, students because more disengaged in their education. The fact that they were studying language almost removed them from the broader scope of an  education. Eventually, I saw how they learned to ‘hate’ studying the English language. They learned to hate it mainly because they couldn’t relate to what they were studying but mainly it was because they felt they were missing out on the ‘learning’.

With ESL Lifeline, my goal has been to make educational language learning materials that are relevant to students’ lives so they they not only form stronger foundations in the English language; they learn something along the way. I design resources and materials that can be used in many different settings with a large variety of learners. And the way the content is put together makes it so that all learners – whether they are studying Media Bias or learning How to Write a Resume – can access the content and get the most out of it.

That’s why, with ESL Lifeline’s resources, you won’t just see material for the 4 langauge domains; ESL Lifeline provides educational material for student support, parent engagement, middle school transitions, journaling, filmmaking, studying, and much MORE! 

And it’s all for language learners!

The Evolution of ESL Lifeline

ESL Lifeline was created around 2016 and has had a great evolution since. And, when I say ‘it’, what I really mean is ‘me’. I never thought that my love of making things (more on that below!) would lead me to what ESL Lifeline is today. I can’t begin to put into words what I’ve learned over the years and how both ‘it’ and ‘me’ have grown.  

I LOVE Making Things!

ESL Lifeline is very special to me. Not only because it serves so many teachers and students, but also because it is my creative outlet. 

Everything you see on ESL Lifeline is mine – from the art and design elements to the content and marketing, this is ‘my baby’, as they say. 

Take a look at how I make some of my resources in the video. 

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